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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 15 (07/01/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI… In our study tonight, we will be concluding this series by looking at the  blessing Jacob gave the 12 tribes of Israel and the significance of those lines or descendants throughout the Bible. From the beginning of time God’s Word has told us what was and is happening at the Time of the End so you and I would not get duped by false teaching and have faith, trust and rely on His Word for what is to happen next.


God’s Word told us about Jacob and what he went through for a reason. The New Testament writers along with Jesus Himself always referred back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for you and I to learn today on what it means to live by faith.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 29:05 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 14 (06/24/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI… In our study tonight, we will continue to look at the life of Jacob (Israel) and his courtship with his wife. The deceiver was received by his uncle and it was for a period of 7 years. The Never Wrong Prophet foretold of a Tribulation period at the Time of the End that would be called the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Jesus also referred to this time as did Paul but with a time line of events including the Rapture. 


God’s Word told us about Jacob and what he went through for a reason. The New Testament writers along with Jesus Himself always referred back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for you and I to learn today on what it means to live by faith.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 13:01 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 13 (06/17/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI…In our study tonight, we will begin to look at the life of Jacob (Israel). From his birth and the struggle with Esau (2 people groups that would always be in conflict) the Arab and Jewish people. From Jacob’s ladder (the dream), wrestling with God and the foretelling of the birth of Jesus through his son Judah. 


God’s Word told us about Jacob and what he went through for a reason. The New Testament writers along with Jesus Himself always referred back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for you and I to learn today on what it means to live by faith.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 11:49 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 12 (06/10/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI…In our study tonight, we will continue looking in God’s Word to address the ideology of: Once saved always saved, eternal security, losing my salvation, predestination and many other terms that religion(s) teach. Are these things true? What do they mean or imply? What does God’s Word say? Here is Paul addressing the New Testament Church…


Romans 11:20-21 AMPC

20 That is true. But they were broken (pruned) off because of their unbelief (their lack of real faith), and you are established through faith [because you do believe]. So do not become proud and conceited, but rather stand in awe and be reverently afraid.

21 For if God did not spare the natural branches [because of unbelief], neither will He spare you [if you are guilty of the same offense].


Paul, who was a jewish man speaking to the gentiles after being blinded by the light said the jewish people, the descendants of Abraham were once with God but were broken off because of their choices, how they lived, their lack of faith/obedience. All throughout scripture regardless of jew or gentile it is a choice to be habitually obedient to God in order to receive heaven as an eternal reward. But, habitual disobedience (our choice or free will) a life of iniquity, no more repenting or changing to be like Christ will have no room in the kingdom of Heaven.


Throughout scripture it says ‘they were once with me’ but chose not to be. No external “thing” can separate us from God, it is a choice that we make to no longer be habitual in fellowship. 

Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 22:43 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 11 (06/03/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI… In our study tonight we are looking at God’s Word to address the ideology of: Once saved always saved, eternal security, losing my salvation, predestination and many other terms that religion(s) teach. Are these things true? What do they mean or imply? What does God’s Word say? Here is Paul addressing the New Testament Church…


Romans 11:20-21 AMPC

20 That is true. But they were broken (pruned) off because of their unbelief (their lack of real faith), and you are established through faith [because you do believe]. So do not become proud and conceited, but rather stand in awe and be reverently afraid.

21 For if God did not spare the natural branches [because of unbelief], neither will He spare you [if you are guilty of the same offense].


Paul, who was a jewish man speaking to the gentiles after being blinded by the light said the jewish people, the descendants of Abraham were once with God but were broken off because of their choices, how they lived, their lack of faith/obedience. All throughout scripture regardless of jew or gentile it is a choice to be habitually obedient to God in order to receive heaven as an eternal reward. But, habitual disobedience (our choice or free will) a life of iniquity, no more repenting or changing to be like Christ will have no room in the kingdom of Heaven.


Throughout scripture it says ‘they were once with me’ but chose not to be. No external “thing” can separate us from God, it is a choice that we make to no longer be habitual in fellowship. 


Jesus is coming! He is sounding the alarm thru the signs that were foretold thousands of years ago that are taking place as the Bible said it would.


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 25:53 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 10 (05/20/24) Part 2 of 2 Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will continue to look at the life of Isaac and Rebekah and how God blessed them because of their habitual obedience to HIM. From the New Testament writings about obedience while using the Old Testament as an example and Paul’s writing regarding the grafting in of the gentiles, regardless of being a blood relative of Abraham. It was an obedience covenant that made who wanted to be habitually obedient his descendant with the same Promise from God.


Jesus is coming! He is sounding the alarm thru the signs that were foretold thousands of years ago that are taking place as the Bible said it would.


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 31:41 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 10 (05/13/24) Part 1 of 2 Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will continue to look at the life of Isaac and Rebekah and how God blessed them because of their habitual obedience to HIM. From the New Testament writings about obedience while using the Old Testament as an example and Paul’s writing regarding the grafting in of the gentiles, regardless of being a blood relative of Abraham. It was an obedience covenant that made who wanted to be habitually obedient his descendant with the same Promise from God.


Jesus is coming! He is sounding the alarm thru the signs that were foretold thousands of years ago that are taking place as the Bible said it would.


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 26:17 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 9  (05/06/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will look at Isaac and Rebekah and God’s Promise for descendants… Jacob and Esau. God’s Word foretold what would happen to the lines of Jacob renamed Israel and the line of Esau - the Arab people - 2 people groups. God’s Word said that Esau’s line would be at odds with Jacob’s thousands of years ago… God’s Word is true!


Jesus is coming! He is sounding the alarm thru the signs that were foretold thousands of years ago that are taking place as the Bible said it would.


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 26:28 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 8 - week 2 of 2 (04/29/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will continue to look at God’s Promise to bless those who are obedient to the covenant that God had with Abraham. Then after God instructs you and I about what we must do (obedience to His Word) He immediately focuses in on the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah and their destruction.


He tells/shows Abraham and all those who would follow in his footsteps regarding obedience to God’s what happens when we are not habitually obedient to His Word(s) and Jesus said it will be like the days of Lot when He returns. When Lot and his family left Sodom - it was immediately destroyed. The story  of Sodom and Gomorrah was in Genesis… The Never Wrong Prophet Isaiah said ‘God’s Word has told us from the beginning what would happen in the end’. 


Jesus referred to Lot and Lot’s wife regarding His return…Jude referred to Lot and Sodom regarding the judgment to come and who will be saved. This story of Lot in Genesis which was proceeded by how to be saved in the story of the covenant of Abraham is a picture of the End of Time. Pastor’s, preachers and teachers are winking at sin, no longer talking about sin or saying these “things” are no longer sin when God’s Word has never changed. We are living in the days of Lot… … Jesus is coming!


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 47:43 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 8 - week 1 of 2 (04/22/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will continue to look at God’s Promise to bless those who are obedient to the covenant that God had with Abraham. Then after God instructs you and I about what we must do (obedience to His Word) He immediately focuses in on the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah and their destruction.


He tells/shows Abraham and all those who would follow in his footsteps regarding obedience to God’s what happens when we are not habitually obedient to His Word(s) and Jesus said it will be like the days of Lot when He returns. When Lot and his family left Sodom - it was immediately destroyed. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah was in Genesis… The Never Wrong Prophet Isaiah said ‘God’s Word has told us from the beginning what would happen in the end’. 


Jesus referred to Lot and Lot’s wife regarding His return…Jude referred to Lot and Sodom regarding the judgment to come and who will be saved. This story of Lot in Genesis which was proceeded by how to be saved in the story of the covenant of Abraham is a picture of the End of Time. Pastor’s, preachers and teachers are winking at sin, no longer talking about sin or saying these “things” are no longer sin when God’s Word has never changed. We are living in the days of Lot… Jesus is coming! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 28:12 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 7 - week 2 of 2 (04/15/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will continue to look at thru God’s Word, natural history and the Islamic religion how Abraham is viewed by the Jewish people, Christians and Muslims. God’s Word foretold of the islam and the characteristics of those who would follow Ishmael and believe he was the one that was offered as a sacrifice by Abraham.


After the birth of Ishmael then came the Promise of Jacob or Israel. But, at their old age (Abraham and Sarah) it was impossible and that was God’s Plan, impossible with man but no “thing” is impossible with God. Sarah laughed at the plan in disbelief just like others in God’s Word along with today’s Church. Today, the follower’s of Christ are laughing in disbelief regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and the order of events that we see happening and that are still to come. Many in the church don’t believe this is a sign from God that was prophesied by the “Never Wrong" Prophets… remember, they were Never Wrong!


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 42:34 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 7 (04/08/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)... We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture. In our study tonight we will be looking in God’s Word when Abraham and Sarah came up with their own way to obtain God’s Promise. They chose to be disobedient and the result was Ishmael. God’s Word tells us what would happen to Ishmael and his characteristics (and the religion of Islam believes he was the one sacrificed by Abraham). We will learn tonight thru God’s Word, natural history and the Islamic religion how Abraham is viewed by the Jewish people, Christians and Muslims.


After the birth of Ishmael then came the Promise of Jacob or Israel. But, at their old age (Abraham and Sarah) it was impossible and that was God’s Plan, impossible with man but no “thing” is impossible with God. Sarah laughed at the plan in disbelief just like others in God’s Word along with today’s Church. Today, the follower’s of Christ are laughing in disbelief regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and the order of events that we see happening and that are still to come. Many in the church don’t believe this is a sign from God that was prophesied by the “Never Wrong" Prophets… remember, they were Never Wrong!


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 17:04 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 6 (04/02/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…… We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture. In our study tonight we will be looking in God’s Word at how you and I can have the “mind of Christ/God” or “think like the Word” in navigating like just like Abraham did. We have learned so far in this series about how to please God and starts with faith and obedience… but to have God’s thoughts, His Word in our hearts in order to understand His Plan and His Purpose will help us live by faith in word and deed.


Tonight we will see how Abraham went out and saved his nephew Lot after he chose to go live in a wicked place, Sodom. It was after that battle that Abram brought everything he acquired to offer or give as an offering the Priest and Mayor of Jerusalem - Melchizedek (a type of Christ). It was in Genesis that we see the first tithe/offering before the mandate in the Old Testament and the first foreshadowing of communion as Melchizedek brought out the wine and bread as a result of Abram sacrificing and offering all he had.


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 18:43 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 5 (03/25/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…… We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will be looking in God’s Word at the age of when Abraham left his home and became a renter or temporary resident in the earth. He followed God where ever He was told to go to know where it would be or what would be next. 


He brought his nephew Lot with him and he was able to watch and learn from his Uncle Abram on what it looked like to live by faith. When Lot and Abraham split up you will see that our choices have a great effect on not just us but our family as well. Jesus told the crowds look at Abraham and see if you truly are just like him on how you decide to live your life. 


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 27:03 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 4 (03/18/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)…… We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


In our study tonight we will be looking in God’s Word at the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11 and find out why Paul listed those people for you and I today to define what Faith looks like. We will also look at the early life of Abraham, about his father, where he lived and find out that he chose to be obedient to God when all those around him were not. 


In this series we are looking at the importance of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and why Jesus, James, Paul all referred to Abraham and the line or descendants of Abraham as well as the rest of the New Testament. God’s Word said HE has told us from the beginning what would happen at the end and tells us to watch Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants to learn from regarding faith, obedience, sin, the 3 main religions at the Time of the End, Jacob or Israel, the 12 tribes or sons of Israel and more…


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 23:27 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” Part 3 (03/11/24) Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)……We will begin with looking at current events thru the lens of scripture as a response by the command from Jesus himself to know the signs of His Return or the Rapture.


During this series we are looking at the importance of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and why Jesus, James, Paul all referred to Abraham and the line or descendants of Abraham as well as the rest of the New Testament. God’s Word said HE has told us from the beginning what would happen at the end and tells us to watch Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants to learn from regarding faith, obedience, sin, the 3 main religions at the Time of the End, Jacob or Israel, the 12 tribes or sons of Israel and more…


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 13:48 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” (03/04/24) Part 2 Community Bible Study in Plymouth MI)……Jesus, James, Paul, Peter all referred to Abraham and the line or descendants of Abraham. They spoke of the faith of Abraham, and what he did…faith without acts of obedience leads to death. From Paul writing the church in Galatians about faith, what is it according to God’s Word, how to get it according to God’s Word… God’s Word defines what faith is, we don’t get to define it. As followers of Jesus Christ or the Word we are to conform to what God defines faith as so we to can have the same faith as Abraham.


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Remember, the unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 20:00 mark following current events.


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“Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” (the Custodians of the Covenant and their Descendants) February 26th part 1…Jesus, James, Paul all referred to Abraham and the line or descendants of Abraham as well as the rest of the New Testament. Why? It is for you and I today to learn from, the days we are living, God’s Word said HE has told us from the beginning what would happen at the end and tells us to watch Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants to learn from regarding faith, obedience, sin, the 3 main religions at the TIme of the End, Jacob or Israel, the 12 tribes or sons of Israel and more…


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found in the book of Genesis.


Remember, the unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return!


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 24:33 mark following current events.


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