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“Don’t Fall Asleep” Part 4 (06/25/24) - The Wheat and the Tares (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.) We kick off the night with current events regarding the command by Jesus to know the signs of His return.


In our study tonight we will begin to look at the fulfillment of what Jesus foretold would happen prior to the rapture of the church…many pastors, preachers and teacher would deceive many. The christian church in general has become and will continue to unite itself with a godless culture and government, this is the part of the shaking at harvest time, the changing of colors by the darnel or tares and the seeds of heresy mixed in with today’s preaching and teaching.


We are going to identify currently what is taking place in the church world that is and will lead many into error regarding sin, judgment, righteousness and the “things" to come. This is not what I think or you think but what God says will and is taking place.


God’s Word told us to by on guard, to wake up or “don’t fall asleep” to the “things” that were prophesied regarding sin, judgment and righteousness. This command to be awake and “Don’t Fall Asleep” is not limited to government and religion but our close associations as well. We are commanded to listen to the  teaching and preaching of God's Word but, commanded to run from false teaching and preaching as well…your eternity depends on it!


Jesus said “Don’t Fall Asleep”, eternity is too long to be wrong.


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 15:27 mark following current events.


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“Don’t Fall Asleep” Part 3 (06/18/24) - The Wheat and the Tares (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.) We kick off the night with current events regarding the command by Jesus to know the signs of His return.


In our study tonight we will look at the lawlessness that is taking place not only in government but in the church as well. This was foretold in God’s Word as a sign prior to the rapture of the church. The church ore Christina religion in general has become and will continue to unite itself with a godless culture and government, this is the part of the shaking at harvest time, the changing of colors by the darnel or tares and the seeds of heresy mixed in with today’s preaching and teaching.


God’s Word told us to by on guard, to wake up or “don’t fall asleep” to the “things” that were prophesied regarding sin, judgment and righteousness. This command to be awake and “Don’t Fall Asleep” is not limited to government and religion but our close associations as well. It is vital who are close friends has a great impact on where we will spend eternity.


Jesus said “Don’t Fall Asleep”, eternity is too long to be wrong.


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 12:01 mark following current events.


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“Don’t Fall Asleep” Part 2 (06/11/24) - The Wheat and the Tares (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.) We kick off the night with current events regarding the command by Jesus to know the signs of His return.


In our study tonight (lesson begins at the 26:33 mark) we will look at the parable that Jesus told of the wheat and the tares (darnel/weeds) speaking of the types of people that will be in church at the Time of the End or Harvest Time, the time of the Rapture of the Church. Jesus said we wouldn’t even know that they believed differently until Harvest Time and they will begin to change colors.


God’s Word gives us instruction on what to do, what to look, be on guard about at the Time of the End. From the close friendships or associations we have, from the “churched” people sitting next to us every Sunday and or at Bible Study. From the false preachers and teachers who “say things God never said”  and Paul’s warning of the outcome of sitting under or listening to false preachers and teachers…


Galatians 5:9 AMPC

9 A little leaven (a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers) leavens the whole lump [it perverts the whole conception of faith or misleads the whole church].

Jesus said that many pastors preachers and teachers will deceive many at the Time of the End… Jesus said “Don’t Fall Asleep”, eternity is too long to be wrong.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 26:33 mark following current events.


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Don’t Fall Asleep”  Part 1 (06/04/24) - The Wheat and the Tares (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.) We kick off the night with current events regarding the command by Jesus to know the signs of His return.


In part in of this series “Don’t Fall Asleep” we will look at the parable that Jesus told of the wheat and the tares (darnel/weeds) speaking of the types of people that will be in church at the Time of the End or Harvest Time, the time of the Rapture of the Church. Jesus said we wouldn’t even know that they believed differently until Harvest Time and they will begin to change colors.


Jesus said in Matthew chapter 13 “…the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while he was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed also darnel (weeds resembling wheat) among the wheat, and went on his way.”


During this series we are going to study God’s Word which gives us instruction on what to do, what to look for at the Time of the End. From the close friendships or associations we have, from the “churched” people sitting next to us every Sunday and or at Bible Study. From the false preachers and teachers who “say things God never said”  and Paul’s warning of the outcome of sitting under or listening to false preachers and teachers…


Galatians 5:9 AMPC

9 A little leaven (a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers) leavens the whole lump [it perverts the whole conception of faith or misleads the whole church].

This is going to be an eye opening series on what is taking place in many churches across the United States and maybe in your church or a friend or family members church. 


Jesus said that many pastors preachers and teachers will deceive many at the Time of the End… Jesus said “Don’t Fall Asleep”, eternity is too long to be wrong.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 33:45 mark following current events.


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