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“End Times In The Headlines” recorded on Tuesday May 21st from 6:30-8:00pm at Bridgewood Church in Clarkston, MI… The entire evening will be dedicated looking at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus or the Word) as signs for you and I to know that Jesus is coming. When you read God’s Word and what was written thousands of years ago happening in order it will increase your faith to what is about to happen… the Rapture of the Church. The understanding of not just End Time events but ultimately how the Bible is written, the Old and New Testament working hand in hand, is vital for every follower of Jesus Christ (the Word) to make disciples so you and I can be a witness to the events taking place to family and friends.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


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“Gog and Magog” Part 11 (05/14/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


In our final part of this series we are going to bring everything together that we have learned in this series and finish with reading what The Never Wrong Prophet Ezekiel wrote about the days we are living and the Never Wrong Prophet Daniel regarding where the anti-christ will come from. When we use the New and Old Testaments together it connects all the “things” that were foretold by the Prophets for you and I as we see the Bible unfolding in front of our eyes.


The accuracy of which they spoke can be easily seen to what is taking place today and serves as confirmation to not only what is to come shortly (as John wrote in Revelation 1) but the Promise for those who live habitually righteous according to God’s Word to spend eternity in Heaven.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 16:31 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 10 (05/07/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


In part 10 of this series we are going to look at what The Prophet Ezekiel wrote wrote about what would take place during the Millennial Reign of Christ following the 7 year Tribulation. We will also look at what will take place at the end of the Millennial Reign, the Great White Throne Judgment and the New Heavens and New Earth. The Old and New Testament gives you and I the entire picture of what is to come.


The accuracy of which they spoke can be easily seen to what is taking place today and serves as confirmation to not only what is to come shortly (as John wrote in Revelation 1) but the Promise for those who live habitually righteous according to God’s Word to spend eternity in Heaven.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 29:25 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 9 (04/30/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


The Prophet Ezekiel wrote wrote about what would take place during the Millennial Reign of Christ following the 7 year Tribulation. From the size of the Temple Mount, the Priest (pastors) that will be serving Jesus, division of Israel and it’s new dimensions… Israel is called the Holy Land for a reason and you can see by watching the news from the anti-Israel protests and the hatred towards the Jewish people that the Bible is true.


The accuracy of which they spoke can be easily seen to what is taking place today and serves as confirmation to not only what is to come shortly (as John wrote in Revelation 1) but the Promise for those who live habitually righteous according to God’s Word to spend eternity in Heaven.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 38:29 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 8 (04/23/24) Week 2 of 2 - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


The Prophet Ezekiel along with the “Never Wrong” Prophet Joel prophetic writings were further revealed in the book of Revelation by John. These writers inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit foretold of not only the battle of Gog and Magog prior the 7 year Tribulation but another war 7 years later.


The accuracy of which they spoke can be easily seen to what is taking place today and serves as confirmation to not only what is to come shortly (as John wrote in Revelation 1) but the Promise for those who live habitually righteous according to God’s Word to spend eternity in Heaven.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 46:53 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 8 (04/16/24) Week 1 of 2 - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


The Prophet Ezekiel along with the “Never Wrong” Prophet Joel prophetic writings were further revealed in the book of Revelation by John. These writers inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit foretold of not only the battle of Gog and Magog prior the 7 year Tribulation but another war 7 years later.


The accuracy of which they spoke can be easily seen to what is taking place today and serves as confirmation to not only what is to come shortly (as John wrote in Revelation 1) but the Promise for those who live habitually righteous according to God’s Word to spend eternity in Heaven.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 34:07 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 7 (04/09/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel. 


The Prophet Ezekiel along with the “Never Wrong” Prophet Daniel prophetic writings were further revealed in the book of Revelation by John. There is no doubt to what these Prophet are speaking about and the specific “things” John writes in 1 John about what religion is the spirit of the antichrist at the Time of the End…remember, these “things” or prophecies we’re spoken thousand of years ago and they are happening in order.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 38:50 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 6 (04/02/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We will kick off the night with current events and then we are going to look at what is going to take place (that we are commanded to know by Jesus) spoken by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel. The Prophet Ezekiel along with the “Never Wrong” Prophet Isaiah gave you and I great detail about the events that are taking place right now, we can see them happening and coming as Jesus said we would and could…remember, these “things” or prophecies we’re spoken thousand of years ago and they are happening in order.


The “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel told us would be coming up against Israel prior to this war that initiates the 7 year peace treaty being signed that starts the 7 year tribulation. Remember the Bible says that the rapture takes place prior to the 7 year tribulation… what an exciting time we are living in and knowing that God has chosen you and I “for such a time as this”!


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 28:55 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 5 (03/26/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We kick off the night with current events and then begin the study gong thru God’s Word about the events that were prophesied over 2600 years ago written down by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel that are taking place right now.


Tonight in part 5 of this series we’re going to look at the nations that  the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel told us would be coming up against Israel prior to this war that initiates the 7 year peace treaty being signed that starts the 7 year tribulation. Remember the Bible says that the rapture takes place prior to the 7 year tribulation… what an exciting time we are living in and knowing that God has chosen you and I “for such a time as this”!


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 33:10 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 4 (03/19/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We kick off the night with current events and then begin the study gong thru God’s Word about the events that were prophesied over 2600 years ago written down by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel that are taking place right now.


Tonight is part 4 of this series and we are going to identify the nations that Ezekiel foretold would come up against Israel prior to the Rapture of the Church. Ezekiel lists the nations, no Captain Crunch decoder ring necessary…it is specific who they are and we can see it coming to pass just as Jesus said we would.


Remember, these things are happening not to scare us but prepare us for the Rapture of the church. These events we see unfolding are happening to prove God’s Word is true in order that we may rely on and believe God’s Word for what is yet to come.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 26:47 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” Part 3 (03/12/24) - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  We kick off the night with current events and then begin the study gong thru God’s Word about the events that were prophesied over 2600 years ago written down by the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel that are taking place right now.


Remember, these things are happening not to scare us but prepare us for the Rapture of the church. These events we see unfolding are happening to prove God’s Word is true in order that we may rely on and believe God’s Word for what is yet to come.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 21:11 mark following current events.


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“Gog and Magog” (03/05/24) Part 2 - The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.)  This is a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found by reading the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel. Remember, the unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions.  The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Jesus is coming and He wants us ready for His Return! 


Pastor Grant  


Lesson begins at the 26:11 mark following current events.


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Part 1 of our new series (02/27/24) titled: “Gog and Magog”  The War before the 7 year Tribulation (Community Bible Study on Tuesday nights at Bridgewood Church, Clarkston, MI.) Jesus commanded you and I, followers or imitators of the Word to know the signs prior to His Return. Why? So we would have peace to what it is going on in the world, so we won’t be deceived by false teaching and to be a witness to others that what they are seeing was prophesied thousands of years ago - the Bible is True!


It is amazing when you read the New Testament that it always points back to the Old Testament and “it was written” to prove God’s Word is true. This will be a life changing and eye opening series to the “things” we see happening today and it can all be found by reading the “Never Wrong” Prophet Ezekiel.


Remember, the unfolding of His Word will give understanding, comprehension and discernment to all of life’s questions. The answers are not just for you but for those in your life and the one’s that God will put in your path.


Pastor Grant


Lesson begins at the 29:30 mark following current events.


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